But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times. - Micah 5:2 (NIV)
A few years ago, I had my DNA tested through Ancestry. The results, for the most part, fitted with family lore of an England and Northwestern Europe legacy, with the family settling in West Virginia in the 1800s and expanding westward. Recently, though, I had a surprise that linked ancestry to the Ivory Coast and Ghana. Somewhere in the distant past, some adventurous souls–likely sailors—expanded the family genealogy.
This journey into my ancestry made me realize how interconnected our past and present are. Just as my ancestors' decisions and journeys shaped who I am today, God's ancient promises have profound implications for our lives now and in the future.
In the same way, each of us carries a unique story that stretches back through the generations. Our diverse ancestries, whether traced through personal DNA tests or family stories, are woven into who we are today. These connections to the distant past give us a deeper understanding of our identity and remind us of the rich tapestry of human history.
Micah 5:2 speaks of a promise made long ago, foretelling the coming of a ruler from the small town of Bethlehem. This ruler, whose origins are from ancient times, is none other than Jesus Christ. Despite Bethlehem's insignificance among the clans of Judah, it was chosen as the birthplace of our Savior, fulfilling the prophecy made centuries before. God's timeline is vast, and His promises are enduring. The promise of a Savior from Bethlehem was made long before it came to fruition, showing us that God's plans span generations and are always reliable.
Just as our individual ancestries shape our present, God's promises shape our spiritual journey. His plans, set in motion long ago, continue to unfold in our lives, assuring us of His faithfulness and sovereignty.
Isaiah 11:1 tells us, "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots, a Branch will bear fruit." This verse highlights Jesus' lineage as a descendant of David, born into humble circumstances. His earthly father, Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth, was a man of modest means. Yet, through these humble beginnings, God brought forth the King of kings.
Though small and insignificant, Bethlehem was chosen for this great purpose. This demonstrates that God often works through the unexpected and the lowly. It reminds us that greatness can arise from the most unlikely places and people.
As our diverse ancestries have shaped who we are today, God's promises and actions from the distant past continue to shape our lives and future. We can take comfort in knowing that God's promises are always fulfilled and His plans for us are woven with purpose and precision. Let us trust in His eternal timeline and find peace in the assurance that His promises, no matter how old, are always relevant and true.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the rich tapestry of our lives, woven with the threads of our ancestry and Your timeless promises. Just as our heritage shapes who we are, Your ancient promises guide our steps and anchor our faith. Help us to trust in Your eternal plan, knowing that Your promises are always true and relevant. May we find peace and assurance in Your faithfulness, and may our lives reflect Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Pastor Tim
