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Encouragement Like Mary

Writer's picture: timothyrsoutherntimothyrsouthern

When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” John 2:3 (NRSVue)

Today’s verse comes from the beloved account of Jesus’ first miracle–turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). While the story is familiar, I heard something new upon re-reading it. Yes, it’s the evidence of the glory of the Father, displayed in His Son, but it’s also a story of the encouragement of an earthly mother. 

Jesus was not quite ready for His divine secret to be revealed. Yet, at the gentle persuasion of Mary, He responded. Mary did not doubt who Jesus was. She may have recalled the visitation by the angel Gabriel. She may have remembered when the shepherds came to worship, and she had treasured and pondered its significance. Possibly, her mind went back to the response of the twelve-year-old Jesus found in the Temple, “Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” Mary did not doubt that her human son, the divine Son, could do something about the wine–all he needed was a little encouragement, “Son, there’s a problem; what are you going to do.” With confidence that Jesus would do something spectacular, her next instruction was to others–”Do whatever he tells you.” (v. 5.)

How can we be like Mary in encouraging others? Here are a few lessons from her example.

Faith and Trust: Mary had unwavering faith in Jesus and his abilities. Similarly, we can believe in the potential of those around us, trusting that they can achieve great things, even if they don’t see it in themselves yet.

Gentle Persuasion: Mary’s encouragement was gentle but firm. She pointed out the need and trusted Jesus to take action. We can support others by gently nudging them towards their strengths and encouraging them to use their talents to solve problems.

Confidence in Others: Mary’s confidence in Jesus was evident when she told the servants to do whatever he instructed. We can show our confidence in others by affirming their capabilities and expressing belief in their decisions and actions.

Reflective Nature: Mary pondered and treasured the significant moments in her heart. We can reflect on the accomplishments and positive traits of those we encourage, allowing these reflections to guide our words and actions.

Speak Up: Just as Mary spoke up about the lack of wine, we can speak up when we see opportunities for others to shine. Sometimes, people need a little external motivation to step into their potential.

As we reflect on Mary’s example, may we remember the power of encouragement. Just as Mary gently nudged Jesus into action, we too can inspire and uplift those around us. We can help others realize their potential and achieve great things through faith, trust, and gentle persuasion. Following Mary's example of unwavering faith and confidence, may we be mindful of the opportunities to encourage, support, and believe in one another.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Mary's example, who showed us the power of encouragement and faith. Help us to be like her, supporting and uplifting those around us with gentle words and actions. Grant us the wisdom to recognize the potential in others and the courage to speak up when needed. May we always trust in Your divine timing and believe in Your plans for us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Pastor Tim



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