When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. Matthew 2:10-11 NKJV
For many years, the children of our Sunday school presented a nativity pageant on Christmas Eve. There were always many energetic shepherds swinging around stuffed sheep and mischievous angels–played by the younger kids. The older kids played the more well-mannered roles of Mary and Joseph while baby Jesus, a well-loved, well-worn baby doll from years of pageant use, was placed gingerly in the manger.
Finally, while the carol, “We Three Kings,” was sung, the three wise men ambled somberly up the aisle carrying their gifts, pausing at one point to point to the large star hanging at the front of the sanctuary. In my recollection, the Magi acted with the mournfulness of weary travelers, their faces etched with solemnity and their movements deliberate and grave.
Yet, the account in Matthew tells a different story. Upon seeing the star, the wise men were filled with "exceedingly great joy." Their journey, far from a mere solemn obligation, was an adventure brimming with expectation and hope. When they finally arrived at the house and saw the baby Jesus with Mary, His mother, they fell upon the ground in adoration and worshiped Him, hearts overflowing with reverence and awe.
This dichotomy between the somber pageant performance and the scriptural account of joy invites us to reflect on our own expressions of worship. The wise men’s response to the star and their encounter with Jesus challenges us to approach our worship with similar joy, humility, and generosity. They remind us that true worship transcends ritual and formality, igniting a profound joy as we honor the King of kings. For example, when we join together at Christ’s table, we remember the somberness of “remembering” Christ’s sacrifice, but we also come joyfully because of our deliverance from sin and the promise of eternal life through Him.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the example of the wise men who sought Jesus with joy and worshiped Him with humble hearts. Help us approach our worship with the same joy, humility, and generosity. May we always remember the wonder of Your gift to us and honor You in our lives. Help us to seek You diligently and let our hearts overflow with reverence and awe as we come before You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Pastor Tim
