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Faithful Co-Pilots

“Each of us must please our neighbor for the good purpose of building up the neighbor.” - Romans 15:2 (NRSVue)

Quickly reading this verse, it might be understood that we are to please our neighbors. When we talk about neighbors, we often interpret it more broadly to the community around us. However, in this case, the Greek word for “neighbor” (πλησίον, plēsion) refers to anyone close to us, particularly fellow believers. Also, the word “please” (ἀρέσκω, areskō) implies acting in a way that is agreeable and beneficial to others, not merely for self-gratification but for their spiritual growth and encouragement. 

Understanding these terms helps us grasp the deeper meaning of Paul’s message, which emphasizes the importance of living in a way that promotes peace, mutual enlightenment, and the well-being of others.

Imagine you’re on a road trip along a twisting, turning mountain road. It’s a journey filled with unexpected bends and steep climbs. In the days before GPS, you would rely on a co-pilot to read the map and guide you. Sitting beside you, this co-pilot would carefully study the map, providing directions and helping you navigate the challenging terrain. Without their guidance, you might miss a turn or take a wrong path, leading to delays or even danger.

In our spiritual journey, fellow believers act as our co-pilots. They help us navigate the complexities of life, offering support, encouragement, and wisdom. Just as a co-pilot reads the map to ensure a safe and smooth journey, we are called to build each other up, guiding and supporting one another through the twists and turns of our faith journey.

In today’s world, where individualism often prevails, Paul’s message in Romans 15:2 is a powerful reminder of the importance of community and mutual support. By focusing on building each other up, believers can create a more supportive and unified church environment, reflecting Christ’s love for the world.

How do we reflect Christ’s love in building each other up?

  • Support and Encourage: Look for opportunities to uplift and affirm fellow believers, especially those who are new or struggling in their faith.

  • Promote Peace: Create a harmonious environment by avoiding actions that cause division or stumbling. 

  • Selflessness: Follow Christ’s example by prioritizing the needs of others over your own preferences.

Paul’s exhortation in Romans 15:2 calls us to live selflessly, prioritizing our fellow believers' spiritual growth and well-being. Doing so strengthens our community and glorifies God through our unity and love.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of community and the example of Christ. Help us to live selflessly, always seeking to build up and encourage our fellow believers. Grant us the wisdom and grace to promote peace and unity within our church. May our actions reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Pastor Tim

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