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Writer's picturetimothyrsouthern

God’s Plans Prevail

“There are many devices in a man's heart; Nevertheless the counsel of the LORD , that shall stand.”' - Proverbs 19:21 (KJV)

Have you ever had one of those days when everything you had planned for the day did not happen or seemed to go wrong? Yesterday was one of those days for us. It started with forgetting my iPad at home, realizing it only after I was halfway to church. Fortunately, Janice was still home and was able to bring it. The morning worship service was beautiful, and our guest speakers delivered a heart-warming and engaging message. Afterward, we had a wonderful time of fellowship–so much so that we were a little delayed in meeting friends for lunch. Before our weekly family Zoom call, we had all these plans for things we wanted to do–hardware store, grocery shopping, etc. 

The Hebrew text for Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many designs are in a man’s mind,

But it is the LORD’s plan that is accomplished.” The word for “designs” is "mahashavot," meaning “thoughts, plans, intentions, or schemes.” All those human activities we actively do–our “to-do” lists the automatic reminders on our devices and the appointments on our calendars.

Despite all our designs, God’s supremacy, and purpose rules. His will is established not only for us as individuals but for the nations as written in Psalm 33:10-11 (NIV), “The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” As God's love and grace for us are unshakeable, so is His counsel; His plans are steadfast and eternal. 

Reflecting on the things that did not get done yesterday, I realized the essential items happened. We were in worship in the house of the Lord and received His word. We celebrated at the Lord’s table, remembering on World Communion Sunday how we are joined together in Christ’s universal church. We shared in fellowship with our siblings in Christ and had an enjoyable lunch with our friends. We were able to connect and celebrate with family on the Zoom call. Our connection with God and others were the things that needed to happen–all our other designs (devices) could wait another day or two.

Gracious Lord, we thank You for Your counsel. You guide our lives through Your loving care, leading us to the profoundly important. Help us not lose focus on the supremacy of your eternal will in our plans. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Pastor Tim

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