"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3 ESV
Have you ever felt like you have way too much going on? You are being pulled in a million directions, and stretched to the limit? Think of a rubber band pulled to the breaking point, all it takes is one little thing for it to snap. Of course, we've all been there. In those times our entire being, body, and soul are in a very fragile place. We need peace!
Today's passage talks about perfect peace, a peace that not only calms us but quite's the reasons for our unrest. How do we find this perfect peace? By giving it to God and trusting him to handle the situations. God doesn't want us to be in a state of distress. His desire for us is to be in perfect peace. We only need to give up and let go.
Father God, we give you thanks for your perfect peace. Often we stretch ourselves too thin, making more commitments than we should, and we become overwhelmed. When that happens we forget to turn to you, instead, we try to manage it all ourselves. We seek your help in realizing our limitations and turn to you that we may have your perfect peace. Amen.
