Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come. Mark 13:33 (NIV)
I can still hear the words that struck fear in my schoolboy heart, “Pop Quiz.” I may have kept up with the reading and taken notes, but it didn’t matter because I didn’t know what the teacher would ask. I wasn’t alone–at least among the boys; as I peered around me, I saw beads of sweat on their foreheads while most of the girls remained cool, calm, and collected.
One day, as Jesus and the disciples were leaving the temple, a discussion arose around the destruction of Jerusalem and the apocalyptic prophecy of what was to come. When questioned when these events would occur, Jesus responded, “That day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” While we do not know, we are to be prepared.
Much like the pop quiz, we are called always to be ready, even when we don't know the exact timing. So, what does our "homework" look like? Jesus gives us clues throughout his teachings:
Remain faithful in prayer: Keep our relationship with God strong.
Live with love and compassion: Treat others with kindness and care.
Seek to grow in faith: Continue to learn and apply God's Word in our daily lives.
Be vigilant: Stay aware of spiritual and moral distractions and strive to live righteously.
By doing our "homework," we won't be caught off guard but will be ready, living with hope and purpose.
Heavenly Father, help us stay alert and on guard, keep our faith strong, and live each day with love and compassion. Guide us in our journey, and may we always seek Your wisdom and presence in our lives. Thank You for Your unfailing love and the promise of Your return. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Pastor Tim
