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Sing, Sing a Song

Writer: timothyrsoutherntimothyrsouthern

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16 ESV

In Junior High School, I had a choir teacher who told us, "Everyone can sing, it's just that some sing better than others.". Although I'm not sure I think it was probably directed at me. Despite this, I enjoy singing, and especially hymns and gospel songs. These songs raise in me a flood of emotional responses, sometimes raising goosebumps and other times tears. I suspect many of you feel the same. There is something inside our very souls that touches us when we sing; we experience a full range of emotions from joy to sorrow. In the scripture today we are instructed to show, "thankfulness in your hearts to God". Whenever we sing we are doing more than simply mouthing the words, we are offering our hearts to God in praise and gratitude. As we reopen our churches we are being advised to not sing communally for fear of spreading COVOID, but whether we are reading the lyrics or humming we can do so with thanks in our hearts.

Father God, thank you for all the good gifts you shower on us each day. We lift our hearts to you in praise and song. Amen.

PS it is still acceptable to sing in the shower and the car. I fact, I think it's mandatory.



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