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The Advocate

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26 NIV

Maybe it's an age thing, but it seems I hear with more frequency the term healthcare advocate being used. Having someone we trust as we navigate the unfamiliar territory of medical issues is essential. They can ask the questions we may have forgotten, clarify medical jargon, and record details of our visits. In addition to looking after our best interests, they lend us emotional support and comfort.

Jesus' also recognized our need for an advocate, a spiritual one. His time with the disciples was growing short. Through him, they had come to know the Father personally through the love of Jesus. They had listened to the teachings and witnessed the miracles of God's divine and human Son. In his final days, he gives them the promise of the third personage of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. Though he could no longer be with them in person, the Father would send an Advocate (other translations use Comforter and Helper) to continue the work Christ had started in them.

God our Father, we give you thanks for your plan of redemption and salvation found in your Son and our brother, Jesus Christ. We thank you for his sacrifice for the atonement of our sins. We give you thanks for the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, that reminds us of Jesus' teachings and continues to reveal your plan for us. Bless us this day so we may live into your will, demonstrate the encompassing love of Jesus, and be obedient to the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Pastor Tim

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