When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 NIV
As we journey through Advent, we reflect on the coming of Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. During this season of anticipation, we are reminded of the significance of light in our lives. Light is a beautiful and essential part of our existence, especially as we draw closer to Christmas.
Each year, as daylight saving time ends and the dark days grow long, we become more aware of how much we rely on light. Light is instinctual; we are naturally drawn to it. When natural light is insufficient, humanity seeks artificial means, using electricity to illuminate our way and help us navigate and avoid obstacles. We are so dependent on light that many of us have emergency generators to ensure continuity. On those occasional sunny winter days, we bundle up and head outdoors to revel in its warmth and brightness.
Just as we seek physical light to guide us, Christ offers us the spiritual light of life, ensuring we no longer live in darkness. During Advent, we rejoice in the warmth of God's presence. When the days of darkness seem exceedingly long, we need only remember the light found in prayer and scripture. By the light of the Holy Spirit, we can avoid obstacles and hazards, walking with confident footing.
Spiritually, we are drawn to the light. Without it, our souls have a void; we search for things to fill the vacuum. There are no artificial sources, no emergency generators; only Christ's light can drive away the emptiness and darkness.
This light is not a singular, one-time event controlled by an on-and-off switch but resides glowing within us while we remain in Christ. It is the light of life, and its presence forever transforms our lives. As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, let us be mindful of the everlasting light of Jesus that shines in the darkness and brings hope to the world.
Heavenly Father, during this Advent season, we remember the everlasting light that Jesus brings into our lives and thank You. You offer us freedom from darkness and fill the void within us. Help us to share this light with others, guiding our actions to transform the world around us. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, let His light shine brightly in our hearts and lives. We ask this in the name of Jesus, the true light. Amen.
Pastor Tim