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The Greatest Treasure

Writer's picture: timothyrsoutherntimothyrsouthern

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matthew 13:44 (NIV)

Have you ever found a treasure? It doesn’t have to be something expensive. Maybe it was a misplaced photo album that brings back memories of times past or a memento given to you by someone special that, though inexpensive, you cherish because of its meaning. Or, perhaps, one day, while out yard sale shopping, you discovered something you once had as a child but had long since been gone. In the rediscovery of these lost items, you experience great joy.

Jesus tells a parable of a man discovering a treasure hidden in a field. This wasn’t a misplaced item or a thing from his past but a startling, unexpected discovery. We know the field doesn’t belong to the man because he later purchased it; the Bible doesn’t explain the circumstances, but we can make some assumptions. The man likely plowed the field for his employer and discovered the buried treasure. We don’t know why the treasure was there, but I like to think that the employer, in his benevolence, placed it there to be found.

The man is ecstatic. Going about his daily chores, he uncovers a thing of great value. He knows it is something he must possess, so he sells all his possessions to purchase the place where the treasure is stored. 

What did this mean to the listeners of Jesus that day? With a lack of financial institutions and FDIC in their day, they could relate to treasure being buried in a field. During the Great Depression of the 1920s, it was common for people here to bury money in Mason jars in their yards. But what is this treasure Jesus is talking about? 

The treasure represents the kingdom of heaven. It's the extraordinary value and joy of discovering a relationship with God, the truths of the Gospel, and the promise of eternal life. Just like the man in the parable, when we truly understand the immense worth of the kingdom of heaven, we are willing to give up everything to attain it. This doesn't necessarily mean selling all our possessions but reprioritizing our lives and putting God and His kingdom first.

For Jesus' listeners, this parable emphasized the unparalleled worth of the kingdom of heaven. They understood that finding such treasure warranted the greatest sacrifices, as it promised joy and fulfillment that surpassed any earthly riches or pleasures.

In our modern world, it’s unlikely we will stumble upon hidden treasures in fields, but we can still find immense joy and fulfillment in discovering and embracing the truths of the Gospel. This means turning away from materialism, ego, or anything that distracts us from our relationship with God. 

Father, thank you for the parable of the hidden treasure and the profound truths it teaches us. Help us recognize your kingdom's immense value and seek it with all our hearts. May we prioritize our relationship with you above all else and find joy in the sacrifices we make for the sake of the Gospel. Grant us the wisdom to see the treasures you have placed in our lives and the courage to pursue them. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen


Pastor Tim



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